Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fight Night?

For our Wednesday Youth service this week we had 'Fight Night'. We went all out with a boxing ring, gloves, head gear, Rocky music, ring announcer, fight posters. As usual, I was there running the graphics and videoing the different fights and just generally enjoying myself. During the service we paused for worship and a sermon, then got back in the ring. I had to wonder what was going through those teens minds. Especially those visiting for the first time as they walked in and sat down to watch or joined in the fun. I mean, I know the reasoning behind why we did it. It was fun and got the point across, that we are in a spiritual fight. But it was also different from the normal everyday thing we have come to expect from church. But, did we communicate that?

Do those kids (sorry students) now think that it is true that Christians, especially Evangelicals, are just violent blow hards looking for an excuse to rachet up hate filled retoric. Or did they go home and think, "Yeah! I am in a fight for my soul and I need to train and be prepared all the time". Do they understand that it's okay as a Christian to have fun and to sometimes use light hearted measures in order to get across a heavy truth?

I often think of that during church services. As the media director, I can have a lot of influence over the feel of a service. Is it light and airy, dark and solomn, quick or slow? Does that mini-movie communicate the overall message of the what the church is trying to do or what the Pastor is trying to say? Does that flashing or moving background really work with a hymn from 1763? My job is to make sure that we are communicating the right message. Marrying creativity with humility is something I take very seriously and I often feel slightly embarassed whenever I recieve a compliment. But I do wonder if we ever think about what we are communicating. Are we all on the same page? Does the name on the outside of the building really say what we are about? Do you say alot but then not do alot?

What about you? Do you make sure you are communicating effectively? It can be what you wear, what you write, what you read, listen to, watch, the way you drive, where you spend your money, the look on your face? Tell me what you think.


Kelsey said...

I think one of the greatest things about our church is that we have fun when it's appropriate, but we also get serious when we need to. I think understanding that balance is most important.

Communicating effectively means not hiding who you are, at least to me. If all I showed was my "good" side, people would either think I was a hypocrite or that they shouldn't even try because they could never be like that. You can't make mistakes for the sake of making them. But when you do, you can't hide it either. Truth and openness is what it's all about.

I don't know if that made sense or even answered your questions, but that was my thought process after reading this.

Falina said...

I think you are amazing, and I'm so proud you're my brother. That's what I think. :)