Thursday, April 14, 2011

Walking By

One of the things that we need to do is point people towards hope. If I discover the greatest thing ever and don’t tell anyone, how terrible a person am I? The greatest hope that I have discovered is that life is worth living. It is not a random series of chances, a mistake of nature or a short time of life then nothing. I can tell you the truth based on what has happen to me. The personal experience is always the best. Things sound great when you read about them or if you are told about them. They take on a whole new dimension when you are being told by the person that did it. Or even better, you are the person with the personal experience. To be able to tell people about what you have experienced. What you are totally and completely convinced of because it happen to you, is one of the greatest feelings in the world. But I do understand how difficult that can be. Especially, if you feel that you are the outsider, the one that is different form the norm. We have long been told that people don’t care what you know until they know that you care.

I think that a lot of times people wonder what can they do. They are poor, insignificant, average, here instead of there. I know I have, and I am thinking most people have, come up with various excuses to not do something.

When was the last time you showed someone that you cared? Did you let that annoying person at work talk to you for 30 minutes and you managed to not roll your eyes? Did you return the smile of that person you saw at the store or did you just continue walking, eyes forward, not looking around, no acknowledging those that you are sharing the earth with?

“God wanders among us in human form, speaking to us in those who cross our paths, be they stranger, beggar, sick, or even in those nearest to us in everyday life, becoming Christ’s demand on our faith in him.”
                                                                                                            Dietrich Bonhoeffer

If we fail to help or even extend kindness to those we see or have a chance to interact with, are we failing in our faith? If Christ stands at the door and knocks do we answer or turn up the volume on the TV?

What about your life this week, or better yet, today? Have you reached out in some way, shape or form to those around you?

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